We purchased the Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

We purchased the Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

We purchased the Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

The Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder the perfect choice for the pour-over coffee brewer.

Priced at $135, as of this article (11/2022), The Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder is a great choice for the pour-over coffee enthusiast. It offers the features, at a fair price point, that you’re looking for.

We have had ours since October 2022 and have been using it numerous times daily and have not missed out old 20 year old burr grinder. There will be a video soon and on-going reviews.

Let us know in the comments how you feel about your Baratza Encore Burr Grinder.

Read our article here

HARIO MUGEN One Pour Dripper

HARIO MUGEN One Pour Dripper

HARIO MUGEN One Pour Dripper

HARIO Mugen pour over coffee dripper side and top views.

The HARIO MUGEN One Pour Dripper has a smaller hole than the regular V60, creating more flow restriction and an overall slower drawdown. The concept was by eliminating the initial bloom and steep simply by slowing the water flow though the cone. Why do you ask? Maybe it’s because people are in a hurry, or that it’s more fun to do a one pour coffee brew?

No steeping is required. You only pour hot water once. So it’s easy for beginners to follow a recipe and produce a delicious cup of coffee.

The Diamond pattern inside the dripper helps to relieve surface tension and direct brewed coffee through the filter.

It is better to brew with a slightly courser grind than you would with a normal V60 dripper, since the water flow is slower. The grind is more in line with what you’d use for Chemex or Kalita brewers.

Removable base for cleaning, the cone can also be placed into a pour-over stand. The 

This dripper is compatible with 02 size V60 filters. So there is no need to find a new type of paper filter.

The MUGEN is available in a acrylonitrile-styrene resin or ceramic body with a polypropylene holder.

UPDATE: I’ve been using the Hario MUGEN One Pour Dripper for a couple weeks now, and it’s become my go-to brewer. I’m a first thing in the morning coffee drinker, so anything the shortens the time between brewing and the coffee in my stomach without sacrificing flavor is a welcome change.

Read more at Hario.com

Read more about drippers

Bean Box coffee subscription

Bean Box coffee subscription

Bean Box Coffee Subscription

Curated coffee subscription. Bean Box curates your subscription based on several factors that you choose:

1. Preparation

  • Ground
  • Whole Bean

2. Roast preference

  • All Roasts
  • Light Roast
  • Medium Roast
  • Dark Roast
  • Espresso
  • Decaf

3. Type of plan

  • Coffee tasting; Monthly $16.50. 4 expertly-curated coffees every month
  • Coffee Bag Subscription; 12 oz bag delivered Monthly $24, Biweekly $22, Weekly $20.

From the best artisan coffee roasters

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Learn more at Bean Box

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What’s the best Grinder for Pourover

What’s the best Grinder for Pourover

6 different conical burr grinders in one image

What’s the best grinder for pourover?

There are dozens of choices for grinding coffee, from cheap to expensive, so what is the best grinder for pourover?

A person may wonder: “What’s the best grinder for pourover?” After some consideration, the first breakdown is blade v.s. conical burr grinder. You can eliminate a blade grinder right away. The blades do not grind evenly, you’ll end up with varying sizes of ground coffee, which will effect extraction, which will effect flavor. One day you get a weak cup, another a bitter cup. So don’t bother with blade grinders.

Having eliminated blade grinders, the next criteria is cost. You can get a good conical coffee grinder by Cuisinart for $60, all the way up to the Fellow Ode Brew Grinder for $299. You shouldn’t spend anymore than $300, and even that is excessive for pourover, but don’t even got that far.

If you have an espresso machine, or plan on buying one, you should know that there are not any burr grinders that do both well. So you’re looking at two grinders. And espresso is beyond the scope of this site. Check Coffee Cosmos for information on coffee styles outside of Pour-over. DO NOT BUY A GRINDER THAT PROMISES THAT IT GRINDS ESPRESSO AND POUR-OVER, it just can’t do both well. 

So what’s the best grinder for pourover?

If you’re restricted by a budget go for the Cuisinart, it’s a real workhorse and grinds well enough for most pour-over drinker’s palates. Bodum, OXO, Capressso make good burr grinders that come in at around $100, but if you’re going to spend that amount, it’s makes sense to chip in an extra and get the Baratza Encore Conical Burr Grinder. Reviews across the internet show it’s the best grinder for the price.

Watch the reviews here.

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