If you’re shopping for a Conical Burr Coffee Grinder choosing the right one can be daunting; there are a lot of choices from a large number of manufacturers, and prices can range from the $90 to $900. Some conical coffee grinders are better for different kinds of coffee grinds. A drip brewer needs a courser grind then a LaMarzocco Espresso machine would. While consistent grain size is important for any coffee preparation, pour-over coffee extraction is key to getting the right flavors. To achieve the best tasting coffee you need a coffee grain that is the correct and consistent size you set your grinder to. For pour over coffee brewing the Baratza Encore will give you the grind that will extract the flavors you desire from your fresh roasted coffee.
The Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder the prefect choice for the pour-over coffee brewer.
Priced at $135, as of this article (11/2022), this conical burr grinder is a great choice for the pour-over coffee enthusiast. It offers the features, at a fair price point, that you’re looking for.
Baratza Encore Features:
- Uses a combination of gear and electronic speed reduction
- Burr rotation of 450 rpm reduces heat, noise, and static generation
- Removable cleanable or replaceable 40 mm conical burrs
- With 40 preset grind settings, it is also user calibratable (sic?).
- Grind range is from 250 to 1200 microns
- Minimizes leftover grounds for freshness
- Powerful, high torque DC motor
- Gearbox with improved strength and durability of the drive transmission
- Easy On/Off switch
There are other good Conical Burr grinders in this price range as well. While researching before buying is a good best practice, the Baratza Encore is a great choice.